To CREATE is to cause something new to happen or exist; to make or bring into existence something fresh, and/or to prepare something by combining materials or putting parts together; to manifest something unique…
~ Be the Creator
Creativity is the ESSENCE of creation. Creativity allows us to review and resolve issues, challenges more optimistically and with open minded innovation. Creativity opens the mind and connect it with heart. An individual that has lost touch or disconnected with its creative side is an imprisoned or limited being, in that person, the potential possibilities may be limited due to fixed/closed mindset. Creativity broadens our perspectives and can help us overcome any prejudices, find simple solutions for all perceived challenges and/or issues in life and work.
Similarly Creating a New Unique Idea or Thought might ACCELERATE YOUR GROWTH to 100x. Conscious Thought/Idea generation or ideation is the act of creating/forming ideas. It is a creative process that encompasses the creation, regeneration, development and communication of new thoughts and concepts, which become the basis of our innovation strategy.