Tips, Tools, Tasks & Techniques for Personal Growth, Professional Development | The Self-Discovery Blueprint
Time is right to INVEST in your Holistic Well-Being for continuous personal growth & sustainable professional development in life/work.
Start with simple steps, grounded in Applied Positive Psychology, and Indian Science & Art of Holistic Well-Being i.e. the joyful way of living, laughing, loving, and leading Life of Abundance & Happiness.
founder & AUTHOR
Abundance Catalyst
Teacher, Trainer & Thought Leader
The Right Step in Right Direction, Right Here & Right Now, Transforms Everything (in Life & at Work)
The dynamic global work culture and positive mindset shift suggests focused attention on collective, collaborative and creative life in a conducive workplace. Leading companies, institutions and startup incubation centers / co-working facilities are initiating continuous training and facilitation sessions for their employees, team members and staff.
People Matters and their health, happiness, harmony and holistic well-being is crucial for individual performance enhancement, team productivity plus organisation’s growth.
Insights to Elevate your Self-Confidence to Unlock & Unleash 100xPotential Possibilities
Find Out Where You Are & What You Need to Start
Source Specialties
The Authentic Abundance Blueprint has four (4) levels i.e CREATE, NAVIGATE, THRIVE, REJOICE for Self-Transformation. Join ‘THE ABUNDANCE CIRCLE’ and get amazingly awesome solution oriented Support and Services (feedback) from Abundant Though Leaders (ATL), Happiness Accelerators & Facilitators, Abundance Coaching Experts (ACE), Trained Teachers and Trainers

Abundance Retreats
The real SHIFT happens when we focus on ‘Experience and Expression’ by applying what we know, learn and understand, practically in our day-today Life & Work.

{SOUL} Triggers
Get timely updates, Tips, Triggers and reading material, events links and special offers for Holistic Well-Being in Life & Work

Lifelong Learning Platform
Supported and served by our CircleX Experts, along with leading AHM Practitioners and Associates of ACE 3HS LLLP
What Thought Leaders say
“Abundant Life” refers to life in its abounding fullness of joy and strength for spirit, soul and body. We all know the theory but never applied it. Get the practical step-by step framework – The Abundance Blueprint. It is the simplest and secure way to re-Define + re-Discover your Potential Possibilities for 100xLifeWork
Experience & Express the Happier, Healthier and Harmonious Way to Learn, Laugh, Love & Lead Life. Take Care of What Matters Most! #BeYou!
Know, Learn, Understand and Apply the New Way of Being Abundant in Life & Joyful at Work. START THE ABUNDANCE JOURNEY TO REDISCOVER YOUR TRUE ‘SELF’